Thursday, October 28, 2010


Dondre is the second child we brought home from the orphanage. He is eleven in the body of a seven yr. old. He has been outside of the orphanage some but never out of Kokstad. He speaks english quite well.

We  stopped on the way home from the orphanage
and buy him a complete new outfit, from shoes that
fit him to underwear and a special hat (to look
like Dave!)

We went on a walk down to the lake and
he had such a blast. We could not have
been more thrilled ourselves!

Dondre got to go to work with Dave and had a blast. He had never seen a calf, tractor, farm equipment, etc. He had the chance to ride in the tractors and you would have thought it was the greatest thing to happen to him! He is so sweet.
I took him for a ride on my dirtbike. He loved it!
What a fun time!!

Dondre and I had a dance competition. Lots of fun and laughs (mostly him laughing at my dance moves). He has SO MUCH rhythm! Dondre helped remind us how to be kids again ourselves.

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