Friday, July 1, 2011

General S.A. Pics

Here are a few very typical South African pics. Some are sad and come with heart breaking stories, but unfortunately is a very typical illustration of everyday life. We hope this gives a little picture of some different locations.
This is acutally a lightly loaded truck. Most trucks are stacked dangerously high full of food, etc. This truck is carrying bread.

This is a little girl I met in a small village where Dave was fixing a tractor that was working there. This little girl lived with her grandmother who was very drunk and beat her badly while we were there. It broke our hearts. We tried to comfort her the best we could, but we had to leave knowing what she lives with every day of her life.

This is the same village as the picture above where Dave was working. That is Shumba exploring the land.

This is the T.L.B that is working on the site from the above pictures. The small light blue house on the right side is where Jed's operator is living in while working on the site. The location is far in the mountains where there is no electricity, etc. It is very rough community.

This a community of houses made of cardboard and sheet metal, These homes are located in a ditch along the side of the interstate. Take note of the picture below, which is loacted directly next to these homes.

These beautiful condos are right next to the homes shown above. This is a very typical South African scene. It is common to see very big homes clothed in luxory and right next to rhem are homes made with recycled waste. It puts things into perspective a bit.

This man is hauling the trees with his donkeys right alongside the interstate.

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