Friday, March 4, 2011

TB Hospital

David and I had never experienced anything close to this day in our lives. What we saw was not only devastating, but its REAL. Its hard to understand that what we see in pictures, someone is actually living.The only thing you can do in a place like this is pray.

This is the group of men who shook our hands and had never touched a white person. It was sad that most every mans hand we shook will die soon. This hospital is pretty much the place they send the AIDS patients they don't want to deal with because they have contracted TB. The care is shocking. There is not much hope for most of them.

You can see the sign says "Highly infectious." The nurse was going to take us to this room, but we did not go since I had pneumonia a few months before. You can only imagine what is behind this door.

This man was freezing, but it was about 90 degrees that day.

The nurse said "this is where we throw the dead bodies until the morg comes."

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